Newly-elected Green Hilary Bradbury-Huang
I don't usually have any interest in who is elected to the governing board of the Pasadena Community College, but as the only Green up for election in Los Angeles County Tuesday night,
Hilary Bradbury-Huang made Southern California Greens proud, pulling out a close victory in Pasadena over the incumbent.
The Pasadena Star-News
thinks she benefitted from the governor's negative coattails:
But in the PCC Board of Trustees race for South Pas, San Marino and Temple City, newcomer Hilary Bradbury-Huang stunned Warren Weber, who has easily held onto the office in every election since 1977, with her pro-green vision of a more progressive community college representative who sides with teachers and questions the administration. Weber happens to be a moderate-to-conservative San Marino Republican.
From Michael Feinstein:
Green Elected to Pasadena City College Board of Trustees
Pasadena Green Hilary Bradbury-Huang was elected to the Pasadena Board
of Trustees of Pasadena City College on Tuesday night, upsetting a
well-financed, long-term Republican incumbent to win her seat.
Bradbury-Huang won with 51.12% of the vote (5299-5066) and becomes
seventh Green currently holding elected office in Los Angeles County.
Elsewhere in California, Green incumbents Jim Harvey and Perkovic won
re-election to the Montara Water and Sanitary District Board in San
Mateo County and Nicole Vigeant won her bid to return to the Community
Service Area, Tomales Village, in Marin County.
Statewide, California
Greens now have 66 members holding elected office.
California Green Election Results - November 8thHilary Bradbury-HuangBoard of Trustees, Pasadena City College (Los Angeles)
Place: 1st, 2 running for 1 seat
5299 votes, 51.12%